Fully Qualified Actuary SAA                                                             2017
Swiss Association of Actuaries         

The title of "SAA Actuary" attests that the holder has all the qualities required to occupy a position of high responsibility in the insurance sector or the world of finance. To obtain the title of “SAA Actuary”, the candidate must follow the SAA Actuary training course.

Master of Science, Actuarial Science                                             2010
HEC Lausanne

The program of the Master in Actuarial Science develops an understanding of the actuarial principles and techniques necessary for the management of insurance companies as well as financial and savings institutions, including pension funds and social security systems. Although applied mathematics are the actuary's main tool, good knowledge of economics, management and computing is also required.

This program includes specialized courses in risk theory, stochastic processes, compound interest, credibility, mathematics for finance, actuarial modeling for insurance. Most of the subjects taught involve training in quantitative risk management, the actuary's most important working tool. Good knowledge of management, economics and information technology is also necessary to ensure an adequate level of professional expertise.

This Master is recognized by the Swiss Association of Actuaries (SAA) and hence by the European Associations.

Bachelor of Science, Management                                               2007
HEC Lausanne

The Bachelor's degree in Management of the Faculty of Business and Economics (HEC Lausanne) allows students to acquire analytical, technical and interpersonal skills, as well as a very solid theoretical grounding in management.

The quantitative orientation of the study curriculum is very strong, with subjects such as statistics, mathematics, information technology, decision analysis, finance, microeconomics or macroeconomics accounting for about 70% of teaching activity.